Các công bố khoa học của Bộ môn Toán sinh thái & Môi trường


  1. Du NHuu. On the comparison of the stability and control problem of differential systems. Stochastic Anal. Appl. 1998;16:533–551. doi:10.1080/07362999808809547.


  1. Du NHuu, Van Nhung T. Relations between the sample and moment {L}yapunov exponents. Stochastics Stochastics Rep. 1991;37:201–211.


  1. Du NHuu, Nhung T\cfgrvanVăn. Lyapunov spectrum of ergodic stationary systems perturbed by white noise. Stochastics Stochastics Rep. 1989;27:23–31.


  1. Karoui NEl, Du NHuu, Jeanblanc-Picqué M. Existence of an optimal {M}arkovian filter for the control under partial observations. SIAM J. Control Optim. 1988;26:1025–1061. doi:10.1137/0326057.


  1. Karoui NEl, Du NHuu, Jeanblanc-Picqué M. Compactification methods in the control of degenerate diffusions: existence of an optimal control. Stochastics. 1987;20:169–219. doi:10.1080/17442508708833443.


  1. Karoui NEl, Du NHuu, Jeanblanc-Picqué M. Existence d'un filtre markovien optimal en contrôle partiellement observable. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 1986;303:31–34.