Các công bố khoa học của Bộ môn Toán học tính toán & Toán ứng dụng


  1. Vũ BCông. A Variable Metric Extension of the Forward–Backward–Forward Algorithm for Monotone Operators. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 2013;34:1050-1065. doi:10.1080/01630563.2013.763825.
  2. Anh PKy, Tuan NMinh, Tuan PDuc. The finite {H}artley new convolutions and solvability of the integral equations with {T}oeplitz plus {H}ankel kernels. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2013;397:537–549. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2012.07.041.
  3. Anh PKy, Dzung VTien. Parallel iteratively regularized {G}auss-{N}ewton method for systems of nonlinear ill-posed equations. Int. J. Comput. Math. 2013;90:2452–2461. doi:10.1080/00207160.2013.782399.
  4. Borndörfer R, Hoang NDung, Karbstein M, Koch T, Martin A. How Many Steiner Terminals Can You Connect in 20 Years?. Trong: Facets of Combinatorial Optimization. Facets of Combinatorial Optimization. Springer; 2013:215-244.
  5. Du NHuu, Linh VHoang, Mehrmann V, Thuan DDuc. Stability and robust stability of linear time-invariant delay differential-algebraic equations. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 2013;34:1631–1654. doi:10.1137/130926110.
  6. Du NHuu, Linh VHoang, Mehrmann V. Robust stability of differential-algebraic equations. Trong: Surveys in differential-algebraic equations. {I}. Surveys in differential-algebraic equations. {I}. Springer, Heidelberg; 2013:63–95. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34928-7_2.


  1. Hoang NDung. Algorithmic Cost Allocation Games: Theory and Applications. Trong: Klatte D, Lüthi H-J, Schmedders K, b.t.v Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), August 30 - September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), August 30 - September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2012:599–604. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29210-1_95.
  2. Anh PKy, Lan NThi Thanh, Tuan NMinh. Solutions to systems of partial differential equations with weighted self-reference and heredity. Electron. J. Differential Equations. 2012:No. 117, 14.
  3. Linh VHoang, Mehrmann V. Spectra and leading directions for linear {DAE}s. Trong: Control and optimization with differential-algebraic constraints.Vol 23. Control and optimization with differential-algebraic constraints. SIAM, Philadelphia, PA; 2012:59–78. doi:10.1137/9781611972252.ch4.
  4. Hoang NDung, Koch T. Steiner Tree Packing Revisited. Math Meth Oper Res. 2012;76(1):95-123.