Các công bố khoa học của Bộ môn Đại số - Hình học - Topo


  1. Lê QThuong, Yasuda T. Higher Jacobian ideals, contact equivalence and motivic zeta functions. Bibl. Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana. 2024.


  1. Lê QThuong, Nguyen TThang. Geometry of nondegenerate polynomials: Motivic nearby cycles and Cohomology of contact loci. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. 2023;361:1249–1266.


  1. Hưng NHV, Trường LX. The Singer transfer for infinite real projective space. Forum Mathematicum. 2022;34:1433–1462. doi:doi:10.1515/forum-2021-0245.
  2. Bac DPhuong. On some estimates and topological properties of relative orbits of subsets. J. Algebr. Appl. 2022;21:2250241.
  3. Bac DPhuong. On some estimates and topological properties of relative orbits of subsets. J. Algebr. Appl. 2022;21:2250241.
  4. Budur N, de Bobadilla JFernández, Lê QThuong, Nguyen HDuc. Cohomology of contact loci. J. Differential Geom. 2022;120.


  1. Hưng NHV. The mod p Margolis homology of the Dickson–Mùi algebra. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. 2021;359:229-236. doi:10.5802/crmath.151.


  1. Hưng NHV. The mod 2 Margolis homology of the Dickson algebra. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. 2020;358:505–510. doi:10.5802/crmath.68.