The image of Singer's fourth transfer

Tiêu đềThe image of Singer's fourth transfer
Loại công bốJournal Article
Năm xuất bản2009
Tác giảHu'ng, NHV, Quy`nh, VTN
Tạp chíC. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris
Thể tích347
Tóm tắt

We complete in this Note the description of Singer's fourth transfer, already studied by many authors. More precisely, we show that each element of the family {pi|i⩾0} belongs to the image of this fourth transfer. Combining this with previous results by R. Bruner, L.M. Hà, T.N. Nam and the first author, we deduce that the image of the algebraic transfer contains all the elements of the families {di|i⩾0}, {ei|i⩾0}, {fi|i⩾0} and {pi|i⩾0}, but none from the families {gi|i⩾1}, {D3(i)|i⩾0} and {pi′|i⩾0}.The method used to prove that elements are in the transfer's image can be applied not only to the family of pi's but to the families of di's, ei's and fi's as well. To cite this article: N.H.V. Hu'ng, V.T.N. Quy`nh, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009).Dans cette Note on achève la description du quatriéme transfert de Singer, complétant ainsi le travail de nombreux auteurs. Plus précisement on montre que chaque élément de la famille {pi|i⩾0} appartient à l'image du quatriéme transfert. Combinant cela avec des résultats antérieurs de R. Bruner, L.M. Hà, T.N. Nam, et du premier auteur, on en déduit que l'image du transfert algébrique contient chaque élément des quatre familles {di|i⩾0}, {ei|i⩾0}, {fi|i⩾0}, et {pi|i⩾0}, et ne contient aucun élément des trois familles {gi|i⩾1}, {D3(i)|i⩾0}, and {pi′|i⩾0}.La méthode utilisée pour montrer que des éléments sont dans l'image du transfert peut être appliquée non seulement à la famille pi mais aussi aux familles di, ei, and fi. Pour citer cet article : N.H.V. Hu'ng, V.T.N. Quy`nh, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009).