Existence results for the Einstein-scalar field Lichnerowicz equations on compact Riemannian manifolds in the positive case

Tiêu đềExistence results for the Einstein-scalar field Lichnerowicz equations on compact Riemannian manifolds in the positive case
Loại công bốJournal Article
Năm xuất bản2014
Tác giảNgô, QAnh, Xu, X
Tạp chíBulletin of the Institute of Mathematics Academia Sinica (New Series)
Thể tích9
Tóm tắt

This is the third and last in our series of papers concerning solution of the Einstein-scalar field Lichnerowicz equations on Riemannian manifolds. Let $(M,g)$ be a smooth compact Riemannian manifold without the boundary of dimension $n \geqslant 3$, $f$, $h>0$, and $a \geqslant 0$ are smooth functions on $M$ with $\int_M a dv_g>0$. In this article, we prove two major results involving the following partial differential equation arising from the Hamiltonian constraint equation for the Einstein-scalar field system in general relativity
\[{\Delta _g}u + hu = f{u^{{2^\star} - 1}} + \frac{a}{{{u^{{2^\star} +1}}}},\]where $\Delta_g  = -\text{div}_g(\nabla_g \cdot )$. In the first part of the paper, we prove that if $\int_M a dv_g$ is sufficient small, the equation admits one positive smooth solution. In the second part of the paper, we show that the condition for $\int_M a dv_g$ can be relaxed if $\sup_M f$ is small. As a by-product of this result, we are able to get a complete characterization of the existence of solutions in the case when $\sup_M f \leqslant 0$. In addition to the two main results above, we should emphasize that we allow $a$ to have zeros in $M$.

