All Publications

L. Hai Khoi, Thom, L. Thi Hong, và Tien, P. Trong, «Weighted composition operators between Fock spaces ℱ∞(ℂ) and ℱ p (ℂ)», International Journal of Mathematics, vol 30, tr 1950015, 2019.
A. V. Abanin và Tien, P. T. , «Weighted Inductive Limits of Holomorphic Functions with o-Growth Condition ». 2019.
A. V. Abanin và Tien, P. Trong, «Weighted Inductive Limits of Holomorphic Functions with o-Growth Condition», Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, vol 13, tr 341–349, 2019.
Q. Thuong Lê, «Alexander polynomials of complex projective plane curves», Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., vol 97, tr 386–395, 2018.
J. Carlos López-Realpozo, Caballero-Pérez, R. O. , Rodríguez-Ramos, R. , Guinovart-Díaz, R. , Bravo-Castillero, J. , Camacho-Montes, H. , Espinosa-Almeyda, Y. , Sabina, F. J. , và Chi-Vinh, P. , «Analysis of mechanical and electrical imperfect contacts in piezoelectric composites», Mechanics Research Communications, vol 93, tr 96–102, 2018.
N. Thi Thuy Nga, An, V. Thuy, và Quang, D. Duy, «Antioxidant properties of folic acid: a dft study», Viet. J. Sci. Technol, vol 56, tr 39–45, 2018.
T. Thanh Tuan, Vinh, P. Chi, Aoudia, A. , Dung, T. Thi Thuy, và Manu-Marfo, D. , «Approximate Analytical Expressions of the Fundamental Peak Frequency and the Amplification Factor of S-wave Transfer Function in a Viscoelastic Layered Model», Pure and Applied Geophysics, tr 1–11, 2018.
N. Thi Khanh Linh và Vinh, P. Chi, «An approximate formula for the H/V ratio of Rayleigh waves in compressible pre-stressed elastic half-spaces coated with a thin layer», Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, vol 40, tr 63–78, 2018.
N. T. Tài, «On the asymptotic behavior of radial entire solutions for the equation $(-\Delta)^3 u = u^p$ in $\mathbf{R}^n$». 2018.
N. T. M. Huyen và Quyen, N. T. , «Building Resources For Vietnamese Clinical Text Processing», Computación y Sistemas, vol 22, 2018.
H. Nguyen Minh, Nguyen, T. - M. - H. , và Ngo, T. - Q. , «Building Resources For Vietnamese Clinical Text Processing», Computación y Sistemas, 2018.
D. Dung, Griebel, M. , và Huy, V. Nhat, «Christian Rieger, e-dimension in infinite dimensional hyperbolic cross approximation and application to parametric elliptic PDEs». 2018.
A. V. Abanin và Tien, P. T. , «Compactness of classical operators on weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic functions ». 2018.
A. V. Abanin và Tien, P. Trong, «Compactness of classical operators on weighted Banach spaces of holomorphic functions», Collectanea mathematica, vol 69, tr 1–15, 2018.
N. Trong Hieu, Brochier, T. , Auger, P. , Duoc, T. V. , và Brehmer, P. , «Competition or cooperation in transboundary fish stocks management: Insight from a dynamical mode». 2018.
H. Phan, Bui, T. Quoc, Nguyen, H. T. - L. , và Pham, C. Vinh, «Computation of interface wave motions by reciprocity considerations», Wave Motion, vol 79, tr 10–22, 2018.
V. S. Bondar, Dansin, V. V. , Vu, L. D. , và Duc, N. Dinh, «Constitutive modeling of cyclic plasticity deformation and low–high-cycle fatigue of stainless steel 304 in uniaxial stress state», Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, vol 25, tr 1009–1017, 2018.
R. Palau Clares, Tuan, T. Thanh, và Castillo, A. Salgado, «Determinación automática del umbral de detección de una red s{ísmica», Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas, vol 12, tr 78–92, 2018.
T. - H. Do, Tabbone, S. , và Ramos-Terrades, O. , «DSD: document sparse-based denoising algorithm», Pattern Analysis and Applications , 2018.
Q. Thuong Lê và Nguyen, H. Duc, «Euler reflexion formulas for motivic multiple zeta functions», Journal of Algebraic Geometry, vol 27, tr 91-120, 2018.
P. C. Vinh, Anh, V. T. N. , Merodio, J. , và HUE, L. T. , «Explicit transfer matrices of pre-stressed elastic layers», International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol 106, tr 288–296, 2018.
C. Vinh Pham, Tran, T. Tuan, Vu, A. , và Hue, L. Thi, «Formulas for the H/ V ratio of Rayleigh waves in compressible prestressed hyperelastic half-spaces», Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, vol 13, tr 247–261, 2018.
C. Vinh Pham, Tran, T. Tuan, Vu, A. , và Hue, L. Thi, «Formulas for the H/ V ratio of Rayleigh waves in compressible prestressed hyperelastic half-spaces», Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, vol 13, tr 247–261, 2018.
P. Chi Vinh, Tuan, T. Thanh, và Hue, L. Thi, «Formulas for the H/V ratio (ellipticity) of Rayleigh waves in orthotropic elastic half-spaces», Waves in Random and Complex Media, tr 1–16, 2018.
P. Chi Vinh, TUAN, T. T. , Anh, V. Thi Ngoc, và HUE, L. T. , «Formulas for the H/V ratio of Rayleigh waves in compressible pre-stressed hyperelastic half-space», J Mech Mater Struct, vol 13, tr 247–261, 2018.
P. C. Vinh, Tuan, T. T. , và Hue, L. T. , «Formulas for the H/V ratio of Rayleigh waves in incompressible pre-stressed half-spaces», Archives of Mechanics, vol 70, số p.h 2, 2018.
P. C. Vinh, «Formulas for the H/V ratio of Rayleigh waves in incompressible pre-stressed half-spaces», Archives of Mechanics, vol 70, số p.h 2, 2018.
P. C. Vinh, TUAN, T. T. , và HUE, L. T. , «Formulas for the H/V ratio of Rayleigh waves in incompressible pre-stressed half-spaces.», Archives of Mechanics, vol 10, 2018.
P. C. Vinh, TUAN, T. T. , và HUE, L. T. , «Formulas for the H/V ratio of Rayleigh waves in incompressible pre-stressed half-spaces», Archives of Mechanics, vol 70, tr 131–150, 2018.
N. Thac Dung, Khanh, N. Ngoc, và Ngô, Q. Anh, «Gradient estimates for some f-heat equations driven by Lichnerowicz's equation on complete smooth metric measure spaces», manuscripta mathematica, vol 155, tr 471–501, 2018.
N. Thac Dung, Khanh, N. Ngoc, và Ngô, Q. Anh, «Gradient estimates for some f-heat equations driven by Lichnerowicz’s equation on complete smooth metric measure spaces», manuscripta mathematica, vol 155, tr 471–501, 2018.
N. T. Dung, Khanh, N. N. , và Ngo, Q. A. , «Gradient estimates for some f-heat equations on complete smooth metric measure spaces». 2018.
P. C. Vinh, Anh, V. T. N. , Tung, D. X. , và Kieu, N. T. , «Homogenization of very rough interfaces for the micropolar elasticity theory», Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol 54, tr 467–482, 2018.
N. Thi Tam và Hai, D. Thanh, «Improving lifetime and network connections of 3D wireless sensor networks based on fuzzy clustering and particle swarm optimization», Wireless Networks, vol 24, tr 1477–1490, 2018.
Q. Thuong Lê, «Motivic Milnor fibers of plane curve singularities», Vietnam J. Math., vol 46, tr 493–506, 2018.
Q. Thuong Lê, «The motivic Thom-Sebastiani theorem for regular and formal functions», Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, vol 735, số p.h 2, tr 175-198, 2018.
Q. Thuong Lê, «The motivic Thom–Sebastiani theorem for regular and formal functions», J. Reine Angew. Math., vol 2018, tr 175–198, 2018.
T. V. Duoc, «Navier-Stokes-Oseen flows in the exterior of a rotating and translating obstacle». 2018.
V. N. Huy, Rodrigues, M. M. , và Tuan, N. M. , «Norm Estimates and Uncertainty Principles Associated with the Laguerre Integral Transform». 2018.
N. T. Dung, Khanh, N. N. , và Son, T. C. , «The number of cusps of complete Riemannian manifolds with finite volume». 2018.
T. Dung Nguyen, Nguyen, N. Khanh, và Son, T. Cong, «The Number of Cusps of Complete Riemannian Manifolds with Finite Volume», Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, vol 22, tr 1403–1425, 2018.
P. Chi Vinh và Anh, V. Thi Ngoc, «Rayleigh waves in a layered orthotropic elastic half-space with sliding contact», Journal of Vibration and Control, vol 24, tr 2070–2079, 2018.
P. Chi Vinh, Aoudia, A. , và Anh, V. Thi Ngoc, «Rayleigh waves in anisotropic porous media and the polarization vector method», Wave Motion, vol 83, tr 202–213, 2018.
I. V. Tikhonov và Tung, V. Nguyen Son, «The Solvability of the Inverse Problem for the Evolution Equation with a Superstable Semigroup», RUDN Journal of Mathematics, Information Sciences and Physics, vol 26, tr 103-118, 2018.
V. Nguyen Son Tung, «Special Examples of Superstable Semigroups and Their Application in the Inverse Problems Theory», Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Informatics, vol 18, tr 252-262, 2018.
T. V. Duoc và Huy, N. Thieu, «Stable and center-stable manifolds of admissible classes for partial functional differential equations». 2018.
D. Van Dung và Nga, N. Thi, «Thermomechanical postbuckling analysis of eccentrically stiffened FGM sandwich plates with general Sigmoid and power laws based on TSDT», Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, vol 20, tr 907–945, 2018.
P. Trong Tien và Le Khoi, H. , «Topological structure of the space of (weighted) composition operators between Fock spaces in several variables», arXiv e-prints, tr arXiv–1806, 2018.
V. Cuong Do, «Transfer to Characteristic Zero of the Jacquet–Mao’s Metaplectic Fundamental Lemma», International Mathematics Research Notices, 2018.