Phạm Thắng

Phạm Thắng, Tiến sĩ
Thư điện tử VNU:
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Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:
Discrete Combinatorial Geometry, Additive Combinatorics, Geometric Measure Theory
Quá trình đào tạo:
  • B.Sc. in Mathematics, 2008-2012, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ha Noi
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics, 2013-2017, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Công bố khoa học

  1. LUND BEN, Pham T, THU VUTHIHUONG. Radial projection theorems in finite spaces. Trong: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.; 2024. Available at:
  2. Pham T, Senger S, Tait M, THU VUTHIHUONG. Geometric structures in pseudo-random graphs. 2024. Available at:
  3. Mohammadi A, Pham T, Warren A. A Point-Conic Incidence Bound and Applications. 2023. Available at:
  4. Murphy B, Petridis G, Pham T, Rudnev M, Stevens S. On the pinned distances problem in positive characteristic. 2022. Available at:

Đề tài - Dự án

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