Computer and Information Science

Program Objective 

The Computer and Information Science program was first in the list of education majors in Vietnam in 2012 to meet the training needs human resource having scientific knowledge, having capable of applying knowledge of computer science and information science to solve the problems of organizing, storing, finding information, discovering information and knowledge from data. 

In an age when informatics plays an important role in the development of economy, politics, society as well as science and technology globally, the training of human resources for the field of computer and information science is one of the top priority developments of the Vietnamese government.

The CIS program in the Faculty of Mathematics - Mechanics - Informatics provides students the basic knowledge and advanced knowledge to exploit the strengths of the statistics in information science.

Student graduate of CIS program has sufficient capacity to work effectively in the information technology enterprises. Graduated students can develop their careers in high school, the colleges, the research institutes, and the universities in the field of computer science and information science. Excellent graduate students can continue studying in higher level such as master or Ph.D. program in national and international universities over the world. 

Program Curriculum

Potential jobs for students who have graduated 

After graduating from the program of Bachelor in Computer and Information Science, students have enough health and professional qualifications to take the following positions:

  • Do research and development at research institutes
  • Management agencies and enterprises have information systems and need to exploit information effectively.
  • Teaching at universities, colleges, and high schools in the field of Computer and Information Science.

Higher studying after graduation 

Qualified students who wish to improve their knowledge in their area of expertise will be able to continue their studies at the Master's and Doctoral level.