Implicit-system approach to the robust stability for a class of singularly perturbed linear systems

TitleImplicit-system approach to the robust stability for a class of singularly perturbed linear systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsDu, NHuu, Linh, VHoang
JournalSystems & Control Letters
Pagination33 - 41
KeywordsIndex of matrix pencil

Asymptotic stability and the complex stability radius of a class of singularly perturbed systems of linear differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) are studied. The asymptotic behavior of the stability radius for a singularly perturbed implicit system is characterized as the parameter in the leading term tends to zero. The main results are obtained in direct and short ways which involve some basic results in linear algebra and classical analysis, only. Our results can be extended to other singular perturbation problems for \{DAEs\} of more general form.
